An Exhibition by Brad Troemel   
March 15th, 2014 

8 Fish, Flowers, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 1 AOCS Copper Round, 2014  
65 x 44.5 inches

3 Fish, Flowers, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 1 AOCS Copper Round, 2014 
65 x 44.5 inches

1 Fish, Flowers, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 1 AOCS Copper Round, 2014 
65 x 44.5 inches

3 Fish, Flowers, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 1 AOCS Copper Round, 2014 
65 x 44.5 inches

52 Dr. Bronners Soap Bars, Bleached and Tie Dyed JNCOS, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 2014 
65 x 44.5 inches

52 Dr. Bronners Soap Bars, Bleached and Tie Dyed JNCOS, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 1 AOCS Copper Round, 2014
5 x 44.5 inches

52 Dr. Bronners Soap Bars, Bleached and Tie Dyed Kikwears, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 1 AOCS Copper Round, 2014
65 x 44.5 inches 

52 Dr. Bronners Soap Bars, Bleached and Tie Dyed JNCOS, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 1 AOCS Copper Round, 2014 
65 x 44.5 inches 

52 Dr. Bronners Soap Bars, Bleached and Tie Dyed JNCOS, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 1 AOCS Copper Round, 2014 
65 x 44.5 inches

Naked Juice Magic Fountain with Artisanal Bucket, 2014 
Dimensions variable